Het bericht is van 1 december 2020
Laatste update: 7 december 2020 - 10:58
Update 07-12: De Teams/SharePoint storing bij Microsoft is nog niet verholpen. Een mogelijke oplossing is uit- en weer inloggen bij Teams of Sharepoint.
Als het niet lukt om in Teams bestanden te openen, kies dan voor Openen via SharePoint.
Excuses voor het ongemak
Update 07-12: the disruption has not yet been resolved. You may try to log out of Teams or Sharepoint and then log in again to access the files. In case this does not work, you might also try the option Open in Sharepoint.
We are currently experiencing a disruption with the Sharepoint application. You may not be able to see or open your saved files within Sharepoint. This includes the files in channels in Microsoft Teams.
We apologize for the inconvenience